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ny from E yew itncssР M d R a nР (D ef任『t~ tof L出,,SY xS U nive‘卿,G uan ,ho u。510631)РA 加trac‘ T 阮枕,t,m on y of eye诫tness es tak es 叩 a very im 因tta nt p坛ce m inalp 叹 ed ur e lll)w ev er,1几te血red by m a即 fa cto 巧,Рinte rna lor ex ter na l,the eyew itn喘,m emor 丫of a ,蕊掩义ific ~ m ay fail,w 枯ch ap伴a七协 m a叮钾界卜司叩lsts s nc e 1970s w es ternРpsycho1叩叱 ha ve st udied t址目 a毗 of eyew lt~ tes timon y ,哪民ially th e infl uen ce of 日9〔,gend er ,m en tal st ate,t卜e w ay ofРinqUir y 日n〔Ithe si tuat ion of ident ifi ca咖,w h ich ,ve m any valuable st吸要est io 仍 to jud icialpra cti沈. T his paper s咋 up an d analy双资Рthe ex详ri m ell有alr叹 arc 卜巴on the relian ce m ade by e》re 宙tn即治 timom sts w e昌ern 那yc杨1娘ists fro m fo ur 日ngles and loo 猫 into itsРfu tu re de、吧k明〕1”ent .РK 盯 w ord,; e卯期tn郎,t改 irno ny,。ccu拍cyР 万方数据


