
the use of mind mapping to develop writing skills in uae运用思维导图在阿联酋发展写作技巧

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of doing sports and the students came up with lot of interesting and valuable ideas to write about. This was supported by the results I got from interviewing my students regarding this point. When asked if designing her own mind map improved her understanding of the writing topic, Student B responded:Yes, when I design the mind map I have a chance to think more about the topic so I can write many ideas and information and that makes my writing strong. Overall, it encourages me to think of lots of ideas to write about.What was seen as an obstacle at this stage, however, was that the students could not narrow-down their ideas and be specific in their selections of what they were going to write about. Figure 2 shows the broadness of a student mind map.Figure 2: A student’s mind map


