thods pliancemanagement,dicover and prevent the transactions ofmoney laundering in atimelymanner,and toimprove the ability of riskprevention have e the COre goal mercial banks’ anti—money pliancemanagement.Under thebackground of alate start ofAML in China,how to encourage the financial institutions to build pliance culture ofanti-moneylaundering and cultivate an effective pliance management system have e anurgent issue toberesearched and practiced inthefinancial world. At present,on thebasis oftheexisting AML lawsand regulations,mercial banks had arisk-based riskmanagement conception asguidelines,and established ananti—anization and work systempreliminarily to manly satisfy therequirement oftheregulatory authorities.Themanagement ofAML has e the ponent mercial banks’conpliance riskand 万方数据