

上传者:科技星球 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:84 |  大小:0KB

tale or two about your interesting and humorous exploits (laced with SS of course) that moves gently from being innocent into being more and more risqué. Throw in negs if you need." Talking to Her/ Echoing Her Girls want to be understood. In order for her to feel understood, you need to listen to what she says, rephrase it and feed it back to her (it helps if you agree with whatever statement she made:). Listen to what she says, remember it and you can make her feel connected to you and understood by you even weeks after your conversation by just simply repeating what she told to you during your conversation:) So make sure a lot of munication to her is a subtle echo of what she feeds you. Now this Seduction Power file:///D|/SeductionPower/SeductionPower.htm (10 of 84) [7/5/2001 8:02:27 PM]


