al education at post-school stage, 2017Р(weighted average: 1 = highly insufficient, 9 = highly sufficient)?133РTable 18: R&D transfer, 2017Р(weighted average: 1 = highly insufficient, 9 = highly sufficient)?134РTable 19: Commercial and legal infrastructure 2017Р(weighted average: 1 = highly insufficient, 9 = highly sufficient)?135РTable 20: Internal market dynamics, 2017Р(weighted average: 1 = highly insufficient, 9 = highly sufficient)?136РTable 21: Internal market burdens or entry regulations, 2017Р(weighted average: 1 = highly insufficient, 9 = highly sufficient)?137РTable 22: Physical infrastructure, 2017Р(weighted average: 1 = highly insufficient, 9 = highly sufficient)?138РTable 23: Cultural and social norms, 2017Р(weighted average: 1 = highly insufficient, 9 = highly sufficient)?139