
De Beers-2017钻石行业洞察报告(英文)

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РThe main reasons MAIN REASONS FOR NOT DEMAND VOLUME OF PIECES BY Рfor women not ACQUIRING DIAMOND JEWELLERY With demand in CITY TIER 2016 (%)Рacquiring diamond (% OF WOMEN NOT ACQUIRING Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities Рjewellery in 2016 point IN 2016) reaching maturity, VALUE PIECES Рto an opportunity Tier 3 cities e Р 43Рfor the creation of 37 37Р Not being gifted 33 a more important Рoccasions for gifting, 30Р 26Р driver of growth 26Р Failing to fnd appealing designs 32Рself-purchase and and contribute the Р Not experiencing an appropriate 21Рwearing diamonds. event to acquire most value.Р TIER 1 TIER 2 TIER 3Р No opportunities to wear diamonds 17РSources: De missioned consumer and retailer research, 2014–2016, and analyses. Note: Some fgures may not add up to 100 per cent due to rounding.Р08


