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ble to formalize their relationship, regardless of whether they are both men, both women,or one of each. The second keyword is harmless. Pagans like me believe in the ‘Do what you wish, as long as it harms no-one’. Well, what harm does allowing a gay couple to get married really do? It is really just giving them equal rights and status and does not affect anyone else. It certainly won’t bring society down. The last key sentence is we are who we are. Sexuality is not something you choose, nor is it something that anyone should be made to feel ashamed of. Gay couples have the right to get married because they are who they are, and there is nothin(转自: 草范文网:英语演讲稿同性恋婚姻合法化)g wrong with that at all.Р Peace, Love and Tolerance, that should be the most valuable attitude towards the modern society.


