e China’s economic development and bring financial industry into play to national economic growth and social stability, the financial agencies and environmental groups should corporate with government according to China’s practical situation. This will integrate the economy development and the environment problems and open up a development road of Green Finance with Chinese characteristics.РKeywords:Green Finance; Green GDP; Green Credit; Environmental Protection; Financial InnovationР目录Р摘要?IРABSTRACT?IIР目录?IIIР1 引言?1Р1.1 研究背景与研究意义?1Р1.2 国内外研究与实践现状?1Р1.3 论文基本框架?3Р2 绿色金融的基本理论?4Р2.1 绿色金融的内涵?4Р2.2 绿色金融与传统金融的比较?5Р2.3 绿色金融与低碳经济的关系?5Р2.4 我国发展绿色金融的必要性?6Р3 我国绿色金融发展及存在的问题?8Р3.1我国绿色金融发展现状?8Р3.2 我国绿色金融发展中存在的问题?9Р4.1合理引导各级政府对绿色金融的扶持力度?13Р4.2改善政府、金融机构和企业三者之间的关系?13Р4.3成立专门的绿色金融政策机构?14Р4.4完善我国绿色金融政策体系?15