tion system is imperfect . .... . .. . . ... ..27Р4 The improving Ways on solving the disputes of judicial identification opinions?29Р4.1 Improving relevant laws and regulations?29Р4.1.1 Formulating the specific law ofjudicial identification?..29Р4.1.2 Making provisions forjudicial identification numbers 。3 1 4.2 Improving the systems ofjudicial identification?. .... ... ... ... .?32 4.2.1 Improving the systems ofmanagement. ... .。... . .?... . .?32 4.2。2 Improving the systems ofstarting . .?. . . 。.33 4.2.3 Improving the systems ofexpens?. . .。。. ... .?。..?35Р4.2.4 Improving the systems ofcross—examination. ... . .......?.. ...?..36 4.2.5 Improving the systems ofcertification?.?.?.....?....?. .?..?... ..39 Conclusion ..40РBibliography?..42РSelf-introduction?.45РAcknowledgement?.?46Р2Р万方数据