boyfriend! Р1 我微笑着看着我那两个可爱的女儿,她们似乎比她们的父母还是大学情侣那会儿更为成熟。琳达,21 岁,在大学一年级交过一个男友,她曾以为会跟那个男孩结婚,但他们已不再来往了。梅丽莎,19 岁,还没有一个固定的男友。我的女儿不知何时才能遇到她们的那个“唯一”,她们伟大的爱。她们认为她们的父亲和我有着一段经典的、童话般的浪漫史,从一开始就直奔婚姻的殿堂。也许,她们是正确的,但在那时似乎并不是那么回事。在某种程度上,爱神恰恰在你最没准备时来临。谁曾想到,布奇和我最终会结婚呢? 他之所以成为我男友,只是因为当时我那肤浅的打算:我要找一个可爱的男友! Р2 We met through my college roommate at the university cafeteria. That fateful night, I was merely curious, but for him I think it was love at first sight. "You have beautiful eyes", he said as he gazed at my face. He kept staring at me all night long. I really wasn't that interested for two reasons. First, he looked like he was a really wild boy, maybe even dangerous. Second, although he was very cute, he seemed a little weird. Р2 我们通过我的大学室友介绍在大学食堂相识。在那个命中注定的夜晚,我只是好奇,但对他而言,我认为是一见钟情。他凝视着我的脸,说:“你有一双美丽的眼睛。”他整个晚