nce and Theology Department ;Рc. School of Mechanical Engineering ,Qingdao Technological University , Qingdao 266033 , China)РAbstract : Fatigue driving is a mainly2hidden safety danger and endangers man’s life and property seri2 ously in recent years. Pre2warning system of fatigue driving research has e an urgent problem. This paper analyses t he study stat us at home and abroad , and t he reason why t he research f ruit s have not been p ut into production. Combining wit h much experiment research and t he design of wearable e2 lect rode cap , fatigue driving pre2warning system based on EEG signal and work protocol will be t he develop ment t rend in t he f ut ure.РKey words : fatigue driving ; EEG measure ; pre2warning system ;work protocolР作者简介:孙显彬(19782 ) ,男,山东单县人. 助教,主要从事信号检测与控制方向研究.