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ogi ve support t ow alls (Figure 1.9). It may be more practical and construction time may be pared to conventional braced system. This method may not be suitable in s oft and weak s oi ls du et o stabi l ity and deformation probl e ms duri ng sl op ed excavations. 2. EA R TH P R ESSU R ES ON IN-SIT UR ETAI N ING W ALL S 2.1. Introduction Earth pressures on in-situ retaining walls are rather different than those on ord inary re ta ining wall s due to the s upporting ele m ents. Fr ee di splace m ent of walls are not allowed. Type of support affects the distribution of earth pressure. Strut loads were measured in strutted excavations in many countries in the past, and mendations were given. Ground anchor technology is relatively new, and data on instrumented anchored walls for total lateral


