
室内设计外文中英文翻译外文文献英文文献自然 简约—对室内设计现象分析

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the emergence of the local natural original timber, straw and stone。 designers of these natural elements of folk with accurate and concise detail to deal with in order to strengthen the theme will also be part of decorative simplistic, presented by the space can be said modern Balinese styleР.РTaking a panoramic view of the world's architectural design, whether they are German Master • Mies van der Rohe, or the United States • Richard Meyer, Tadao Ando of Japan, Chinese-American IM Pei, they are the most pure form, with a very ordinary materials, use of the most concise way, showing great depth of meaning and noble qualities。 space a piece of their work is full of spirituality has infinite vitality, and their design idea in today's era of shock。 also led the development trend of the times.


