t immediately.Р如果宠物吃了巧克力出现病状,立即带它去看兽医。РThis applies whether chocolate is in candy bar form, or an ingredient in cake, cookies, puddings or ice cream.РР不管是吃了单独包装的巧克力棒,还是蛋糕、饼干、布丁或冰激凌中的巧克力成分,都应立即带宠物看医生。РDark Chocolate Versus Milk ChocolateР黑巧克力VS牛奶巧克力РDark chocolate contains more cacao and less sugar than milk chocolate. It follows that any health benefits would be more pronounced in dark chocolate.Р与牛奶巧克力相比,黑巧克力的可可含量更高,含糖量更低。因此有关黑巧克力有利健康的报道也就更多。РYou'll need to do a little research if you have any health concerns about eating chocolate. But with products like gluten-free and sugar-free brands finding their way onto supermarket shelves, you're sure to find some form of chocolate you can enjoy with a clear conscience.Р如果你担心吃巧克力会不利健康,那么你需要研究一下。不过随着像无麸质和无糖面包等产品在超市货架上的出现,你一定能找到可以尽情享用的巧克力。Р Р-全文完-