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nglish neologisms, also in the English language. Some make use of the partial tone and numbers to form words. РThe partial tone is a phenomenon where the sound of letter or numeral acts as a syllable of a word, or a word itself. [9]86 For example, the word ‘B4’ is derived from ‘before’, because of the pronunciation of the syllable ‘fore’ in ‘before’, which is the same as the Roman numeral 4, and it is replaced by ‘4’ in writing.РIn a chatting room, a special form of language—emoticon is widely used now. They serve as a quick way to get messages across, whether good or bad, happy or sad. These emoticons “show us that a way language is going back to where it all started: the use of picture to convey meaning”[10]. plement the inability of words to express feelings exactly and conveniently.”


