was not in the least attentive to the visiting professor’s lecture.Р是儿童还是成人能更容易地在短期内学会一门外语的基础知识?这是一个有争议的问题。(rudiments)РIs it easier to for a child or a grown-up to acquire the rudiments of a foreign language in a short period of time? This is a controversial question.Р他所说的关于短训班的事对你有吸引力吗?(appeal to)РDid what he said about the short-term training course appeal to you?Р史蒂夫。乔布斯的传纪鼓舞着他在研究工作中作出更多有创意的努力。(inspire)РThe biography of Steve Jobs inspired him to greater creative efforts in doing research.Р对西部贫困地区没有机会接受正常教育的孩子我们应该不闻不问吗?(indifferent)РShould we be indifferent to the children who are denied the opportunity of a normal education in the impoverished regions in the west?Р7. 校委会最近作出的决定对我们的课程设置没有什么影响。(bear on)РThe decision made recently by the school board had little to bear on our curriculum.