the street.РUnit 10Р1.整个事情我记得清清楚楚,就好像是昨天发生的一样。(Use "as though "and the subjunctive mood)Р I remember the whole thing clearly as though it had happened yesterday.Р2.他们中哪个文章写得最好,哪个就获奖(whichever)Р Whichever of them writes the best essay will win the prize.Р3.事实证明,那次预算为一年后工资上调做好了准备。(turn out;provide for)Р It turned out that the budget provided for a salary increase one year later.Р4.日复一日,年复一年,她做着同样的工作,但从不抱怨。(day after day)Р She did the same job day after day and year after year,but she plained.Р5.途中她忍受了种种艰难困苦;但什么都不能阻止她寻找失散的女儿。(keep sb.from doing sth)Р She endure all kinds of hardships on the journey;nothing could keep her from finding her lost daughter.Р6.别跟那帮人混在一起,他们在光天化日之下干了很多坏事。(get mixed up;in broad daylight)Р Don't get mixed up with that gang.They mitted many bad things in broad daylight.