e.РThis is the way I brush my teeth.РMatch the pictures and the sentences.Р熟悉句子,突破难点。Р 3РRead the sentences after the teacher.Р Р 4РPlay the cassette tape, Listen and follow.Р熟悉曲调。Р 5РRepeat several timesР Р 6РGet the class to sing along.Р Р课序Р教 学 过 程 设 计Р设计意图Р 7РEncourage the students to do the actions while singing.Р提高兴趣,帮助理解意思。РStep-fourРActivityР Р РAsk students to think of a third verse to the songРe.g. ‘This is the way I wash my hands…’РSing the song again and include the additional verse after practicing it a few times.Р发挥学生的创造思维,并能巩固单词。РStep-fiveРHomework assignmentР Р РSing the song for your parents.Р Р板Р书Р设Р计Р Р This is the way I wash my face.Р This is the way I brush my teeth.Р教Р学Р具Р准Р备Р1、 Cassette 2B and a cassette player.Р课Р后Р小Р结