

上传者:火锅鸡 |  格式:doc  |  页数:81 |  大小:16616KB

rk, put your toy bear in the bag.Р Alice, put your hand in the bag. Р Touch one thing. How does it feel? Р What is it?Р S1: It’s big and round. It’s smooth and soft. Р It’s a ball.РMiss Fang: Yes, it is. Well done.Р2、Think plete :РThis is Mark’s pencil.РIt is long and thin. РTouch it.РIt is hard and smooth. РLook! It is blunt.РLet’s sharpen it Рwith a pencil sharpener.Р3、Play a guessing game РRead books P2---5Р让学生复习以往所学过的反义词,做到温故而知新Р熟悉课文Р Р让学生跟着模仿即可,初步感知句型Р课后作业РMake a riddle.РComplete Workbook 4B pages 2 and 5.Р板书设计Р How does it feel? Р It’s ...Р What is it?Р It’s a ...Р课后小记Р单元Р第 1 单元Р教学内容Р单词: hard smooth rough fluffy hot cold hard soft warm Р句型:1、Touch the 。。。 2、How does it feel? — It’s …/ РHow ______ the desks feel? 3、 What is it? It’s an apple.Р课题РModule 1 Using my five senses Р上课时间Р 月日


