
新课标人教版必修五Unit 5 First aid同步学案

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突然出现了。РThe coach was just on the point of giving up the game when our team scored two points. 教练正准备放弃比赛, 这时我们队得了两分。РI had travelled only two hours one day when the winds increased so much that I had to put my tent up before the winds became too strong. 一天, 我刚走了两个小时, 突然狂风大作,我只好趁风力还不算太大之前支起帐篷。Р【巩固练】完成句子。Р阅读下列各小题,根据汉语句子,用括号内的英语单词完成句子。Р1. The children are playing football on the playground ____________________. (begin) Р孩子们正在操场上踢足球, 突然下起了大雨。Р2. I hadn’t walked a few steps ____________________ that he asked for the direc-tion to my office building. (realize) Р我还没走出去几步远, 突然意识到他问的是去办公大楼的方向。Р3. They ____________________ when the captain encouraged them fiercely to save the ship. (point) Р就在他们快要放弃努力时, 船长鼓励他们竭尽全力挽救轮船。РKey: 1. when it began to rain 2. when I realized 3. were on the point of giving up


