
新人教版七年级上册英语教案 unit5

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me under the question on the board. Ask that student the question (Do you have a tennis racket? ) and guide him or her to answer (Yes, I do or No, I don’t. ) РAsk students to say other thing they might ask. For example: Do you have a er ball? Do you have a pencil case?РSay , Now you will write four questions like these. As plete the questions, move around the room checking progress and offering suggestions as needed. Ask student sto move around the room asking their questions and writing in names. Р1 Do you have a TV?Р Name: PeterР2.Do you have a tennis rasket?Р Name: JackР3. Do you have puter game? Р Name: TonyР小结与作业Р课堂小结Р本课作业РVIII. HomeworkР1.Listen and read after the tape for thirty minutes.Р2.Review all the new words and key sentences.Р3.Get ready for Quiz 5.Р本课教学后记(课堂设计理念,实际教学效果及改进设想)


