the floating population in China ployment in four aspects; the third part is mainly through the above researches, the flo of China's labor force of corresponding optimization suggestions is put for reform, household migration patterns and thinking Transformation of the s at to further improve the theoretical system of the level of labor mobility in our country household problems. At the same time for the perfect of our country labor, as obility problems to provide effective suggestions for reference.Р我国商业银行个人理财业务探讨Р目录Р毕业论文声明IР摘要IIРABSTRACTIVР1、劳动力流动基本原因及流动现状1Р1.1劳动力流动基本原因1Р1.2劳动力流动现状及趋势1Р1.3户籍问题对劳动流动的制约及后果2Р1.3.1形成流动人口弱势身份2Р1.3.2延缓城市发展速度2Р2、流动人口的户籍问题分析4Р-->Р2.1公共福利缺失4Р2.2教育不公平4Р2.3社会保障问题5Р2.4劳动就业问题5Р3、劳动力流动及户籍问题优化建议7Р3.1摒弃传统户籍思维7Р3.2实现户籍与公共服务脱钩7Р3.3变革户籍迁移制度僵化模式8Р3.4深化推进户籍制度改革,实现社会公平公正8Р结论9