or has an anomaly patible with life (e.g. anencephaly); Р- the woman’s life is at risk because of excessive blood loss. РIf there is low placental implantation (Fig S-3 A) and bleeding is light, vaginal delivery may be possible. Otherwise, deliver by caesarean section. РNote: Women with placenta praevia are at high risk for postpartum haemorrhage and placenta accreta/increta, mon finding at the site of a previous caesarean scar. РIf delivered by caesarean section and there is bleeding from the placental site: Р- Under-run the bleeding sites with sutures; Р- Infuse oxytocin 20 units in 1 L IV fluids (normal saline or Ringer’s lactate) at 60 drops per minute. РIf bleeding occurs during the postpartum period, initiate appropriate management. This may include artery ligation or hysterectomy.