

上传者:苏堤漫步 |  格式:doc  |  页数:11 |  大小:242KB

level disinfected vaginal speculum is used to see the cervix.  РIf the cervix is partly dilated and placental tissue is visible, confirm placenta praevia and plan delivery. РIf the cervix is not dilated, cautiously palpate the vaginal fornices: Р- If spongy tissue is felt, confirm placenta praevia and plan delivery;  Р- If a firm fetal head is felt, rule out major placenta praevia and proceed to deliver by induction. РIf a diagnosis of placenta praevia is still in doubt, perform a cautious digital examination: Р- If soft tissue is felt within the cervix, confirm placenta praevia and plan delivery (below); Р- If membranes and fetal parts are felt both centrally and marginally, rule out placenta praevia and proceed to deliver by induction. РDELIVERY РPlan delivery if: Р- the fetus is mature;


