y and pay attention to not sure part above. Check the answers. Р6. Practice. 1eР Prepare a speech for your graduation. Use the questions to help you. Present your speech to your group .РHow have you changed since you started junior high school?РWho has helped you most? What advice have your parents given you?РWhat will you do after you graduate? What are you looking forward to? 学生分小组讨论,每小组选一人发言Р7.Homework绩优学案p136Р 1.第一题,第二题必做Р 2.短文填空A,B档做Р八、课堂流程图Р开始Р导出课题,引发思考Р初三毕业合影照РPPTР学生的猜想:交换两个加数的位置,和不变?РPPT出示Р学生复习词汇,感受新知Р展示各种职业图片РPPTР展示目标句型РPPTР学生操练掌握Р为听力做铺垫,做好听前工作Р理解标准,掌握方法Р回顾总结,反思评价。Р独立解决问题后,小组交流,集中汇报。Р公示答案РPPTР听力1c,1dР投影Р展示Р扫清听力障碍Р1e 当堂进行语言输出Р结束Р九、板书设计РPair work[来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K]РA: What do you hope to do in the future?РB: I hope to get a business degree and e a manager.РListening 1c,1dРPractice. 1e