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d a modern scientific swine handling facility producing over 10,000 hogs per year for market. РAlso in 1917, D. A. Turner married Bradley's only daughter, Elizabeth. D. A. Turner immediately began learning to manage pany's diverse operations. РIn 1919, Bradley and Earnest anized an investment syndicate and purchased the Coca pany for $25,000,000. Bradley became Chairman of the Board and remained active on the Board for 27 years, until 1946, just one year before his death. His son-in-law, D. A. Turner, joined the Board in 1923. D. A. Turner retired from the Coca Cola Board in 1980, and was replaced on the Board by his son, William B. Turner РAt the end of World War I, in the sugar crisis, Coca Cola almost went broke. The "syndicate" was unable to borrow the money to save it. Bradley went to


