velРMarital statusРMilitary serviceРNo Military serviceРHeightРBlood typeР РOccupationРEmployerРWhen & why and from where moved to this city(county) Р12-21-2010, Moved to this city after graduation from….РWhen & why and from where moved to this addressРWhen & why and to where leave this cityРWhen & why cancel householdРApplicant signature: Household Registion Office Р (seal)РUndertaker signature: Р Local Police Station of XXXXXX Registration date : 2013-05-19Р 2013.05.19РMale РoneРMaleРtwoРMale РthreeРUpdates of Member's Information РItemРAfter the changeРDate of changeРApplicant signatureРUndertaker signatureРRecordsРTelephoneРReason for apply ID cardРValid period of ID Card РID Card cancel dateРSocial RElationРNameРRelationshipРAddress or work place РFemale one РFemale two РFemale Рthree