РThe wolf: What’s the good idea?РLittle girl: I know you are hungry ,I can help you .I have 10yuan,you can use these money to buy some cakes.РThe wolf:Oh,that’s OK!РThe girl:Here you are !РPPT shows the ways of group work:РOne of you can make a new end of the story.РOne of you can write sentences.РOne of you can look up a word in your dictionary.РOne of you…РSix students work in groups to make a new end of the story.РShow time (请学生先说自己编写的结局,再将其表演出来)Р[设计意图]向学生展示老师新编的小红帽的故事结局,给学生做好铺垫,便于学生去思考。然后将学生分为六人一组的形式,给每个学生都分配任务,然学生以小组的形式去创编新的故事结果。引导学生打破传统思维,续编不一样的故事结局。Р六、总结Р What do we learn from the story? РS1:..РS2:..Р[设计意图]让学生谈从这个续编结局的过程中的体会,打开了学生的思维,让学生摒弃传统思维中狼一定是坏的动物的想法,引导学生要乐于助人,要开动脑筋解决问题,使情感目标进行升华。Р七、Homework: 1. Read the story three times 。Р 2. 小组合作,表演新的结局。Р[设计意图]课后作业既是对知识的巩固,也是对课堂知识的延伸。Р附教学内容: