f machine.Р对于桶装润滑油,应尽量把桶中的润滑油倒入滑油柜中,在倾倒时要过滤,开口的润滑油桶,应把开口封好,防止变质或落入杂质,并绑扎好,放于规定的部位,防止风浪摇晃溢油;РFor barrel lubricant, move lubricant in barrel to lubricant tanks. Filter lubricant when moving. Seal opened barrels to prevent impurities and lash them securely, put them in the designated places to prevent spilling.Р主管轮机员应经常测量油舱油位,掌握各油舱存油数量,如果发现油舱的油位下降迅速,应考虑是否油舱漏泄,采取有效措施防止污染事故的发生。РEngineer in charge should measure lubricant height regularly, know the remaining quantity of lubricant. If lubricant height drops expeditiously, leakage should be given considerable attention, and take effective measures to prevent accidents.Р《船上油污应急计划》及防污器材SOPEP and Pollution Prevention EquipmentР《船上油污染应急计划》SOPEPР制定了船舶发生各种溢油事故时的应急反应措施。РThe plan details the emergency reaction measures in various vessel oil leakage accide