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which it is based, unless the parties have agreed that no reasons are to be given or the award is an award on agreed terms under article 30. Р(3) The award shall state its date and the place of arbitration as determined in accordance with article 20(1). The award shall be deemed to have been made at that place. Р(4) After the award is made, a copy signed by the arbitrators in accordance with paragraph (1) of this article shall be delivered to each party. РArticle 32. Termination of proceedingsР(1) The arbitral proceedings are terminated by the final award or by an order of the arbitral tribunal in accordance with paragraph (2) of this article. Р(2) The arbitral tribunal shall issue an order for the termination of the arbitral proceedings when: Р* issue vt.颁布,发布,发表;发行,出版Р n.问题,争论点;发表;期刊的期号


