
专业英语 第六章第一篇yyj

上传者:似水流年 |  格式:doc  |  页数:16 |  大小:132KB

ete, rose majestically from its hole, slowly tearing away piping and the surrounding walkways. (No one actually saw it happen, but moving that much concrete implies a certain innate majesty. ) The pool then tilted and came to rest about 2 feet out of its bed. I, too, have had problems with floating concrete. One time, after working for two days digging a hole and then placing a concrete septic tank in it,I returned the next day to find that the hole had filled with water, which floated the septic tank and caused it e to rest in the most disadvantageous position possible. So, yes, Virginia, concrete can float, and although I have yet to hear of an underground house leaving its moorings, I will no longer be surprised if one does. If it is yours, please allow me a precognitive "I told you so.


