
电梯 Elevator 毕业论文外文文献翻译

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eenager vacationing with his family atthe hotel Royal Solaris inCanc únfell tohis death inanelevator shaft. The shaft pletely empty. Mitsubishi was about todoamodernization job in this shaft. England London, June 2006. A47-year-old man was killed when heplummeted eight floors during arefurbishment job inanoffice High Holborn, London. The lift was being modernized pany called Guidelines. Southampton, 4February 2001. Two men were killed after falling down the lift shaft ofa15-storey tower block from the top floor. Police believe the doors ofthe shaft may have opened when the men fell against them during afight. Russia Omsk, June 2006. Aneight-month-old baby died when anelevator inan apartment building fell six stories. The elevator inquestion was not installed byamajor elevator manufacturer.


