
高中英语优秀教案:Unit1 Cultural relics Period2 Learning about Language(新人教版必修2)

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ing it away. Suggested answers to Ex 3: 1.St Petersberg isa very beautiful city , which was once called Leningrad. 2.In Xi’ an,I met a teacher , who has a strong love for cultural relics and took me to visit the history museum. 3.I don ’t remember the soldier , who told me not to tell anyone what I had seen. 4.My grandfather was a child then , when people didn ’t pay as much attention to cultural relics in the old days. 5.They moved the boxes toa mine , where they wanted to hide them. Step 4 Homework 1.Finish the related exercises on Workbook. 2.Prepare for the next class. 3.Finish some exercises about the attributive clauses. Step 5 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 1 Culture relics Period 2 关联词语法功能关系代词 who whom whom whose that as when where why Step 6 Record after Teaching


