Р1.归纳总结Topic 2所学句型及交际用语。Р2.能读懂教材给出的阅读材料,并从中树立正确的人生价值观。Р教学过程: Р第一步:复习Р1.让学生展示上节课写给Beth的信,师生共同修改。Р2.教师把其中给Beth的建议写在黑板上,让学生读两遍。Р第二步:呈现Р1.教师导入: РNobady can be happy all the time, sometimes we will feel unhappy, even sad. How can we deal with our sadness? Lets read the text. Р2.让学生打开课文1,浏览1,根据上下文猜测生词。Р3.教学生词,讲解重难点: Рdeal with, sadness, all the time, fail, relative, kill, refuse, argue, unfair, hit, though, finally, ever, money, game Р4.学生自读1,思考下列问题: Р① How do you feel if you fail to pass an exam? Р② How do you feel if one of the people in your family has died? Р③ What did Jeff do to feel better? Р④ What makes you unhapy? How can you feel happy again? Р5.四人一组互相讨论上述问题,达成共识,得出结论。Р6.小组选举报告员向全班汇报自己组的结论,教师同时教育学生要自信,知足常乐,树立正确的价值观。Р第三步:巩固Р1.口头讨论课本3的答案。Р2.听录音3,检查答案。找个别学生朗读句子。Р第四步:练习Р1.让学生用比赛的方式给下列短语造句: