as cranberry sauce. “从什么时候起,”我的老朋友问道,“我们的孩子成了到节假日才回家的人?”两人心头一时又酸又甜。Р Р Р Р Р6 (1)This is the week when our friends bring in the younger generation, eagerly harvesting them from bulging airports. We noisily arrange children, nieces, nephews, cousins around tables, placing them like good china that we take out for special occasions. Р 这个星期是我们的朋友们将小辈带回家的时候,是急切地把子女从人满为患的机场接回去的时候。我们忙乱地安排子女,侄子侄女,堂兄弟表姐妹什么的在餐桌旁一一就坐,就跟摆放在特殊场合才偶尔一用的精美餐具似的。Р Р Р Р Р7 These energetic offspring do e over the river and through the woods anymore. They struggle past check-in counters and wrestle their gear into stuffed overhead bins. They migrate back on airlines whose owners pray with their overbooked hearts that the weather will hold. Р 这些精力旺盛的后辈不再穿林过河而来。他们挤过检票处,使劲地把行李塞进座位上方满满的行李箱。他们搭乘着民航客机飞回家,那些公司心里想着客满的航班,祈祷着好天气持续下去。