◇每批次物料需严格进行检验 Each batch of material shall be inspected strictly. Р ◇所有采购材料实时跟踪状态 Real-time tracking of all purchasing materials Р ◇每半年年至少对供应商进行1次实地考察或书面调查 one time on-site visit or written review every half a year at least. Р中风险?middle risk ◇对每批次物料进行检验 Each batch of material shall be inspected. Р ◇每年跟踪一至二批材料的供料状态 Track of one or two batch of material yearly Р ◇每年对供应商进行1次实地考察或书面审查 one time on-site visit or written review every year Р低风险?low risk ◇对每批次物料进行检验,若供应商的历史交货质量状况良好,可降低抽样检验频率 Each batch of material should be inspected, if the supplier's historical delivery quality is in good condition, could reduce the sampling frequency Р ◇不跟踪材料的供应状态the supply status of the material is not tracked Р ◇必要时,可对供应商每两年执行1次现场考察或书面审查 if necessary, should do on-site visit or writted review every two years.