
FE-002 Vendor and Factory Profiles (中文版)

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ple factories please fill separate form) РProduct Categories(产品类型) a上衣外套 d Р b e Р c f РProduct Strength Р РCapacity per Month per Product Category (in pcs.)每月产量按产品分 a男:25000 d Р b女:45000 e Р c f РCurrent Capacity ?Utilization (%) 0% Open Capacity (%) 0% РDo you have an inhouse design team If yes, provide details: РAny, Special Machinery?(please provide details) a自动拉布机 d Р b自动绕线机 e Р c f РInhouse production ?process flow (本厂生产流程) 设计—打样—采购—裁剪—缝制—后整—包装—出货Р Р РOutsourced Activities(外厂有哪些,比如印花/绣花) 印花、绣花、行缝、水洗Р РLead Time (in days) Sampling 样品周期 Production 生产周期 Rebuys 翻单周期РEmployee Details РNo. of Employees in factory 500 РNo. of Mgmt. staff 20 Number in Design / R&D РNumber in QA/QC 42 Number of workers 480 РAudits and Certifications РDetails of last social audit pany OMEGA Р Audit Type ANNUAL


