lifesat) This worksheet plots the unstandardized solution for the two - way interaction between a continuous variable and a dummy - coded dichotomous moderator. ( 一个连续变量和一个哑变量的中心化高低图) The moderator should have values 0 and 1. (for effects coding, see alternative sheet) Variable names: Name of independent variable: Height Meaning of moderator value "0" Women Meaning of moderator value "1" Men Unstandardised Regression Coefficients: Intercept / Constant: 4.966 Independent variable: 0.005 Moderator: - 0.199 Interaction: 0.073 Means / SDs of variables: Mean of independent variable: 0 SD of independent variable: 9.54669 Predicted Values Low Height (-1 SD) High Height (+1 SD) Women 4.92 5.01 Men 4.02 5.51 3.80 4.30 4.80 5.30 5.80 Low Height (-1 SD) High Height (+1 SD) Life Satisfaction Women Men