单位和时间? Are actions directed ateliminating casuses orreducing the occurrence ofthe causes ofthe failure modes? 建议措施是否直接用于消除失效原因或减少失效发生的频率? Are special manufacturing/assembly controls identified for Specail Characteristics? 特殊特性是否有特殊的制造/装配控制的方法? Are preventative,instead ofdetection,actions listed where appropriate? 适用时,使用预防来替代探测? Are actions considered toeliminate/reduce the occurrence ofpotentially hazardous failure modes,where applicable? 适用时,采取行动来消除/减少潜在的高风险的失效模式的发生频率? Follow Up跟进 Yes NoWas the FMEA updated after mened Actions wre implemented? 建议措施实施后是否更新到 FMEA 中? Did the PFMEA team determine whether normal and customary orwhether special controls were required for the indentified Critical Characteristics? PFMEA 项确定了一般或特殊的控制方法? Has the FMEA been submitted tothe core book? FMEA 是否被提交到核心手册?