

上传者:科技星球 |  格式:pptx  |  页数:9 |  大小:166KB

he outside.” That rich man should have done something to help the poor, but he didn’t. Sometimes it was really wrong to judge a person by his or her appearance. I really had respect for the poor mother from the bottom of my heart. She set a good example for her children to follow.РParagraph 2:? In that second a warmth touched me, my jealousy and hatred(憎恨)left me, and all the love and joy that are Christmas filled me. I fished a bill out of my own purse, dropped it in the Salvation Army kettle, and wished the bell ringer a merry Christmas. I found a few fun things to give my kids and drove home with my heart singing. I knew it was going to be a wonderful Christmas. I could hardly wait to see my children enjoying the presents bought for them, including a special gift—love for those in need.


