cephalexin, which had been initiated one day before admission. The child’s temperature was 38.3°C on admission. He appeared extremely fortable but not acutely ill. He had numerous id bullae on his face, neck, axilla, perianal region, upper back, and thighs. Nikolsky’s sign was present (ready separation of the outer layer of epidermis from the basal layer), and a biopsy of a skin specimen revealed that the level of cleavage?was at the granular layer. The boy was treated with intravenous nafcillin, and his condition improved over the next few days. He was discharged after seven days, with plete resolution of his rash.Р临床表现Р入院第1天前臂可见表皮脓疱和水疱Р入院第4天,随着SSSS进展,全身及躯干?可见皮肤广泛的起疱和糜烂Р入院第6日足部表皮起疱和糜烂Р临床表现РMacular rash with Nikolsky's signРEvolution to scaly phase, more pronounced at periorificial areas.