
Light Up Science (科学5A 课件Unit 3 Microbes Lesson 3 Microbes and Food

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ow can you make bread? You need flour oven bowls suga r yeast Add the yeast to some warm water and sugar. Stir and wait for 5 minutes. Add the sugar water with yeast to the flour. Mix to make a dough. Knead the dough. 123 What to do Bake your bread dough in an oven. Leave the dough in a warm place for 20 minutes. What happens? 45 Yeast helps bread to rise. Which foods are made with microbes? Tick ( ). √√√√ Yeast helps bread to rise. Some food is made with microbes. I made bread. I classified food. I did an experiment. √√ Put a piece of bread into a plastic bag. Add some water. Seal the bag. Observe the bread each day. What can you see? Throw the bag into the rubbish bin. Do not open it. Microbes can make food go bad. Where are the microbes from? What did they need to grow?


