. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 1992;18(1):247-256. ? Gladman DD. UpToDate. 1997;7(1):1-8.РFamilial Predisposition (倾向、易患病的体质)Р1st degree relative with previous disease history: 40%?Concordance rates?Monozygotic 单卵twins: 65%–72%?Dizygotic twins: 15%–30%Р2017/8/10Р7Р病因Р遗传:1/3 有家族史银屑病第一代亲属中:银屑? 病 16.9%,PsA 3.3%?寻常型银屑病:HLA-B13,-B17,-A1,-CW6?PsA:HLA-B27 46% ~ 78%脊柱炎? 周围型 HLA-B38,-B39Р免疫异常Р免疫球蛋白:IgA升高 60% PsA IgG免疫复合物升高, IgA免疫复合物升高?补体:CH50 C3 可升高?细胞因子:IL-6 IL-8,转化因子-α(TGF-α)……РSources: Mease P. Ann Rheum Dis 2004;63:755-758? Krueger JG. J Am Acad Dermatol 2002;46:1-23РImmunologic basis of psoriasisРT-cells are continuously activated in lymph nodes淋巴结 by unidentified antigens?未识别的抗原?Activated T- cells ?migrate into skin and ?induce macrophages 巨噬细胞to produce TNF-a and other pro-inflammatory cytokines