New Strategies ? for the New Section? Speaking in New TOEFL iBT??? Robin Lin, New Oriental Edu GroupРA Conclusion 简要回顾课堂重点Р1Р1.2 What note to take? 判断笔记内容 Task3-6? =‘助听器’总结? 1)重读(慢读) increase the speed ? 2)语气重音 Are you kidding? [disappointed]…? 3)重复‘new’‘involved’? 4)极端词汇 must, first, only, just? 5)结构词:分段,举例,再解释I mean, Let’s say? 6)阅读重现(特别是分论)follow lead, territory ? 7) 建议句型РA Conclusion 简要回顾课堂重点Р1Р1.3 How to take note? 笔记技巧? 1)托福口语笔记原则? a. 一致性原则:格式(折叠,123),原形,实词? b. 简化性原则:阿拉伯数字,否定词not;? 2)托福口语笔记方法(约定与自创—熟练)? a. 英语:MBA, NYU,GM,TA / blvd, bldg/ lab, libr; ? b. 汉语: 厂,(go through the roof)怒,地中海? c. 符号与图画:!, +, -, >,<, ↗, ↘, ?? 以往题目中的笔记可以怎样改进