
[课件]中西文化风俗比较之节日 饮食 服饰篇

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种菜系中最著名的是烤乳猪和北京烤鸭。? 在西方国家,晚饭是一天中最重要的一餐。正餐是更为精致的一餐。比如说,为周日准备的,为生日聚会或一些特定的场合。在大多数家庭中,人们在吃正餐前会换衣服。食物的不同取决于场合的不同。但通常是按开胃酒,汤,拌有蔬菜的鱼肉,沙拉,甜点和咖啡的次序上菜的。? Chinese food is divided into eight big styles, such as Cantonese food. Beijing food, Sichuan food, etc, Cantonese food is lighter while Beijing food is heavy and spicy. The famous specialties of these two are roast suckling pig and roast Beijing duck. ? In western countries, supper is the most important meal of the day. Dinner is a more elaborate meal, such as is prepared for Sunday, a birthday party or for some special occasions. In most families, the members change their clothes before dinner. ood served for dinner differs depending on the occasion, but usually on appetizer, soup. Fish meat with vegetable, Salad, dessert and coffee is the order.


