
2016春六年级英语下册 unit 3《we are going to travel》课件1 人教精通版

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e.? A. Xi’an B. Wuhan C. SanyaРBРCРBРAРBРCРExtended activities.(拓展活动,二选一)?1). Fill in the blanks.(完成答题纸上的题目)?2). Make a dialogue.(两人一组,编演对话)? A: Where are we going today?? B: We are going to ___? A: Where is ____?? B: ___ is in the ___of China. ? It’s in ____Province.? A: That’s great ! Let’s go!Р1). Lily is an American girl. Here’s her family travel plan. They are going to travel around China during the summer holidays. They are going to stay in China for two week. They are going to visit Beijing, Harbin, Xi’an, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Sanya. I know Hangzhou is in the east of China. It’s in Zhejiang Province. It’s famous for West Lake.Р2). A: Where are we going today?? B: We are going to ___? A: Where is ____?? B: ___ is in the ___of China. ? It’s in ____Province.? A: That’s great ! Let’s go!


