
2016春六年级英语下册 Unit 6《Feeling Fun》课件1 广东版开心

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a long face, four legs and long tail. I can run fast. I like eating grass. People like riding on my back. What am I ? They were going to the west . It’ s in India . They have to get the great books . A Journey to the West Master Monkey King 位于南亚次大陆的印度半岛上,海岸线 6083 千米。地形以平原、高原、缓丘为主, 占国土面积的 60% 左右。大致分为北部山地、中部平原和南部高原三个地形区,北部山地属喜马拉雅山系,山势高峻,多 7000 米以上的山峰, 中部印度河棗恒河平原是世界著名的大平原之一 West East 西方 North South India the Taj Mahal 泰姬陵,代表了印度建筑艺术的最高水准 Unit 6 Feeling Fun We carried the great books back from India. We have to go to India to get the great books. Master, which way is India? It’ s in the west but we have to take care . It ’ s dangerous (危险).I’ m not afraid . Master. Stop! Give me your horse ! Drop your club! Don ’ t fight .


