图1。Р一.中国车用汽油特点? Characteristics of gasoline in ChinaР一.中国车用汽油特点? Characteristics of gasoline in ChinaР由图1可见,抚顺石油一厂催化裂化汽油的RON和MON随馏分的加重开始逐渐下降,但在大约130℃左右又逐渐回升。也就是说,在催化裂化汽油全馏分中间有一段辛烷值水平较低的馏分(80-150℃) 可将这段馏分切出来,进行加氢精制一催化重整,以进一步提高辛烷值。? In the middle of FCC gasoline full cut there are fractions with lower octane number from 80℃ to 150℃.Р一.中国车用汽油特点? Characteristics of gasoline in ChinaР而抚顺石化公司石油一厂大庆催化裂化汽油的辛烷值分布与沈北催化汽油不同,其RON和MON都随馏分的加重而降低,结果见图2。? But the octane number distribution of Daqing FCC gasoline is different.Р一.中国车用汽油特点? Characteristics of gasoline in ChinaР40%以前的各窄馏分的辛烷值均高于全馏分的辛烷值,这与低沸点馏分中存在较多的高辛烷值低分子烯烃和异构烷烃有关。Р一.中国车用汽油特点? Characteristics of gasoline in ChinaР锦州石化重油催化裂化汽油窄馏分性质及辛烷值分布图4。? figure 4 are the properties and the octane number of Jinzhou heavy oil FCC gasoline close-boiling cut.