
(苏教译林版)2016-2017学年英语五年级下册Unit 1 Cinderella 第三课时 (二)

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hoeРhouseРtryРfitР留下了一只鞋РI like reading fairy tales.?What about you?Р童话故事РIn China, there’re some good stories too.Рthe story about the Monkey KingРthe story about NezhaРDo you like reading stories about Sam and Bobby?РOne day, Bobby and Sam are in the forest.?…РLook, read and match 看图,读一读并匹配РaРbРcРdР1.Bobby and Sam are in the forest.Р2.Bobby finds some mushrooms under a tree.Р3.Bobby picks a big red mushroom.Р4.Bobby does not understand.Р(1)Р(2)Р(3)Р(4)РLet’s learnР1.Bobby and Sam are in the forst.РThey look ______ .РWhat’s wrong with Bobby?РNo. I don’t.РDo you have any snacks, Sam? I’m very hungry.Рsnack 小吃РHurry up, Bobby. It’s late.РLook! There are some mushrooms. We can eat them.Рmushroom 蘑菇РHurry up?赶紧РWhat does Bobby find?Р2.Bobby finds some mushrooms under a tree.РListen and answer


