易将小件物品倒入垃圾桶内,造成流失。?Dumping of dirty dishes without the item type. Because it is easy to throw small items into the bins that results the loss.Р什么情况会造成破损? Reason why damage is causedР管事部洗涤时造成的的破损。?Breakage damaged by the washingР什么情况会造成破损? Reason why damage is causedР物品运输时没有做防破损的准备,容易造成倾倒或碰撞产生破损。?Item damaged during transportation does not do the preparation of anti-easily result in dumping, or collision broken.Р什么情况会造成破损? Reason why damage is causedР厨房员工没有将容器内的食品清理干净,容易将小件物品混杂在食品中,倾倒到垃圾桶内,造成流失。?Kitchen staff have not cleant the food containers, small items for It is easy to mix in the food with the the rubbish in bin, resulting in the loss.Р什么情况会造成破损? Reason why damage is causedР厨房员工没有正确的使用物品,容易造成物品等损坏。?Kitchen staffs do not use goods rightly nor items which is likely to cause such damage.